Legends Night


Here is the programme and driver entries for March 26.

21 races with the the best talent available in every division.  This will be one awesome show to finish off our season.

If you can’t make it to the show, grab the live stream for $35 from wsspeedway.com/livestream.

If you have not experienced the Western Sprints live stream show before it is a different concept to others that you may have seen.

This is a full multi camera production with an in-house TV desk run by Nik Brown, a roving camera and reporter covering all the pit interviews and action and live commentary across every race.  Instant replays of all the action with the grids and results provided in a sharp on-screen graphics package.

For anyone that has been following the Quarter Mile Series on Sky this is the same level of production streaming live into your living room.

“Saturday Night is Legends Night”

35a Aaron Hodgson
71a Alec Insley
84a Ben Cometti
7a Ben Mathews
10A Brad Mosen
77 v Brent Curran
97a Breyton Davison
5a Brock Maskovich
99a Cole Robertson
91a Hayden Guptill
1nz Hayden Williams
33a James Cossey
63a Jayden Worthington
34a Jordan McDonell
11a Kaleb Currie
97P Karl McGill
14m Kenny Roberts
78A Kent Palmer
98A Leon Burgess
3nz Max Guilford
77a Michael Morrison
54a Michael Pickens
67s Mitch Fabish
10m Mitch Osborne
39a Peter Hunnibell
16a Ryan Barry
31a Stefan Adams
9A Trent Way
46A Troy Jeffries
8K Benji Sneddon
69A Corbin Anderson
22A Dean Brindle
84P Dean Cooper
7A Dion Kendall
9A Havard Daniels
6K James Dahm
82A Jamie Larsen
71A Jamie McDonald
11USAJonathan Allard
77A Karl Fenton
88K Keaton Dahm
87A Lance Beale
1NZ Michael Pickens
11A Raymond Griffen
99A Richard Battersby
4A Ritchie Wright
35A Rob Vazey
98A Ryan O’Connor
21P Stephen Taylor
76A Steve Smith
47A Zackary Sokol
86 Adam Davis
37M Beau Patchett
17 Bruce James
91BTCarlos Stone
24 Cole Robertson
69 Corbin Anderson
22 Devon George
5 Eric Smith
15 James Earl
18M Jared Robinson
77M Kyle Simpson
81 Leyton Kendall
23M Matt Higham
81M Michael Stock
67 Nico Pinkerton
9 Sam Cometti
91A Shayden Austin
8 TBA (Josh or Ben)
19 Tim Pipes
46a Aaron Humble
51a Bryce Pennington
5a Chris Lane
36a Cole Morrison
21a Dayna Lowry
8a Dylan Cooke
19a Harry Hodgson
14a Jakeb Le Cren
77b Karl Carpendale
25a Kate Groshinski
12a Nathan Brough
39a Peter Hunnibell
56a Regan Tyler
10a Roydon Crawford
32a Saul Smith
88a Scott Baker
18a Shaun Cooke
22r Terence Dorrell
4a Troy Pennington
33a Alex Twiname
73a Blake Allinson
16a Blake Harris
51a Catherine Gaspar
58a Cody Lineham
71a Deegan Thompson
77a Ethan Smith
11a Jack Haslip
8a James MacDonald
14a Jayden Sardelich
54a Keiano Weir
5a Lukas Smith
19a Mitchell Dennis
49a Reagan Edwards
97a Riley Browne

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